Thursday, March 28, 2013

Enchanting Eden

 Just finished my first week at the Eden project and it is quite the place.  I spent most of the week with the crops team in the garden which they call the outdoor biome.  I had my intro walk round with Jane Knight my contact at the Eden project and then I spent the rest of my day in the tropical biome.  There is a lot of work going on in the tropical biome we were working on ripping out a mass planting of coffee plants to make room to plant bananas in their place.  The next day I was outside with the crops team planting onion, shallots, and garlic.  In the afternoon we were working on extending an existing planting of hops plants.  The new posts were already installed we were working on stringing up the new hops lines for them go grow on.  We divided some of the existing hops plants and planted them for our new hops lines.  I outside again the next morning ripping out some Narcissus that were planted to closely and subsequently didn't flower well.  Next we harvested the last of the broccoli and then removed them.  Once the broccoli was removed we prepared the bed for planting.  In the afternoon I was back in the rain forest biome planting rice plants for the new exhibit that is going in highlighting new rice breeding that is occurring between breeders and rice growers in poverty areas.  Along with amazing stuff there was also the ordinary stuff so today was some weeding and hoeing.  I helped harvest leek today which was a new experience for me I brought a few home and am going to try to cook something with them.  I will keep you posted if my cooking expedition is a success.  I had a brilliant week and can't wait for next week.

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