Hey Dani here just finished my first week working in the Wisley Gardens in the UK what an experience! The garden is huge I spans 240 acres if your not careful you can get lost or if you like it would be rather enjoyable. I am working is the herbacious department this coming week and then I am off to a new department. Everyone has been really nice and I am in a new apartment which is really nice and I am around new trainees like myself so I have already made lots of friends. We had some induction talks today and we got all set up at the library at the gardens I was able to pick up some reading for this weekend on green roofs. I am hoping to spend most of my day tomorrow getting a better look at the garden there is just so much to see everyday I am amazed by something new! Well I don't have much more to report I am finally getting settled in and pretty soon I will have a weekly routine which will be nice. By this weekend I should be finally over my jet lag and accustomed to English time. Since we are six hours ahead here I am typically available to skype around 11:00 your time to about 4:00 in the evening.
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